
Cytochrome b5 (human) Suppliers,Cytochrome b5 (human) for sale online from medicine-raw-materials.com

Product name:Cytochrome b5 (human)

Stability:2 years


Description:Cytochrome b5 of human erythrocytes showed a midpoint redox potential of - 2 mV, an isoelectric point of 4.3, and a Michaelis constant of 7μ for erythrocyte cytochrome b5 reductase These values are close to those of rabbit liver cytochrome b5, though cytochrome b5 of erythrocytes is in the soluble fraction and its relative molecular mass is smaller than that of liver cytochrome b5 The concentration of cytochrome b5 in normal human erythrocytes was determined by an improved method and a value of 0.22 ± 0.02 μM was obtained.

Glabridin whitening effect and inhibit the formation of melanin

In Yokota et al. Responsible for a comprehensive experiment to test a light licorice and anti-inflammatory effect of melanin, and also studied the structure and effectiveness glabridin relationship. To test the light licorice whitening activity of guinea pig experiments using UV light brown back, and then with 0.5% Glabridin smear test. Found Glabridin can significantly reduce the UV radiation caused by the pigmentation, but also for the applied research area of the skin, this part of the skin coated with 0.1% dopa, calculated by the optical microscope where every square millimeter area of ​​dopa positive response to the number of melanocytes. To estimate the light licorice ability to inhibit the formation of melanin. Can be found through the surface tissue of the treatment group's dopa-positive melanocytes decreased, the use of light licorice can increase the skin's luster. The researchers concluded that licorice root not only in the light licorice can inhibit melanin formation, but also anti-inflammatory. Also observed Glabridin of these effects and its chemical structure.
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Glabridin pharmacological effects

candida pictures

Candida is a fungus, usually Candida vaginitis caused by Candida albicans. This bacterium was oval, with spore germination and cell elongation and the formation of pseudohyphae. Candida is not strong resistance to heat, at 60 ℃ 1 hour to die. But for dry, sun, UV radiation and chemical substances such as strong resistance.
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What the symptoms of Candida are

Nano silver powder has bactericidal action

Nano silver anti-bacterial mechanism, nano silver powder to the existence of molecular states, the quantum effect of nano silver, nano silver surface area is much greater effect than conventional materials, nano-silver surface in the larger adsorption effects, defects , self-repair defect, resulting in the following two antibacterial mechanisms: First, contact reaction: our study suggests that more than 99% of harmful bacteria are single cell body; and must rely on single-cell bacteria, the oxidation of oxygen-metabolizing enzymes to to breathe; oxygen metabolism enzyme oxidation is of particles captured from an electronic process. When nano-silver particles close to the bacteria, due to Coulomb attraction, nano-silver particles adsorbed on the bacterial surface and into the bacterial body; bacterial oxygen-metabolizing enzymes will win the nano-silver particles
more about:buy Nano silver
content from:http://zhengpingping73.blog.com/2011/08/30/nano-silver-powder-has-bactericidal-action/

Bifidobacterium Longum Suppliers,Bifidobacterium Longum for sale online from lactic-acid-bacteria.net

Product name:Bifidobacterium Longum
Principle and effect:
1) absolute anaerobic lactic acid bacteria. Use carbohydrates ferments glucose produced and acetic acid lactic acid (2), do not produce gas (co2) propionic acid and butyric acid. Can be decomposed body bowel indigestible chitosan fibers or more, to prevent against bacteria lactic acid.
Daily intake of certai.
2) Longum Bifidobacterium can improve the intestinal bacteria, and can adjust intestines environment, inhibit the activity called helicobacter pylori
Provide:industrial packaging (raw material) and commercial packing (or semi-finished products
Bifidobacterium Longum Suppliers,Bifidobacterium Longum for sale online from lactic-acid-bacteria.net
more about:The role of the seven Bifidobacterium


what is PtdIns-(4)-P1 Binding Protein

The stability of this product is 1 year.ang it should be stored at -80°C.A solution in PBS containing 1 mM EDTA, 2 mM GSH, and 25% glycerol.PtdIns-(4)-P1 Binding Protein contains a highly specific PH domain that recognizes and binds PtdIns-(4)-P1. PIPs represent a small percentage of total membrane phospholipids however, they play a critical role in the generation and transmission of cellular signals. PtdIns-(4)-P1 can phosphorylated by kinases to give bi- and triphosphates such as PtdIns-(4,5)-P2 and PtdIns-(3,4,5)-P3. Phosphorylation of  PtdIns-(4)-P1 by phosphoinositide (PI)3-kinase to make PtdIns-(3,4)-P2 initiates an intricate signalling cascade that has been implicated in cancer.the purity is more than 90%.
more about:PtdIns-(4)-P1 Binding Protein 
content from:http://www.medicine-raw-materials.com/News/what-is-PtdIns4P1-Binding-Protein/

Coleus barbatus Extract Suppliers,Coleus barbatus Extract Manufacturers,Coleus barbatus Extract Exporters

Product Name:Coleus barbatus Extract
Latin Name:Coleus barbatus
INCI Name: Coleus barbatus Extract
Part of Used:Root
Description:Coleus barbatus is the member of the mint family and also known as forskolin; can be a skin irritant.
content from:http://www.cosmetics-add.com

what Hansenula features?

This is the nutritional yeast cells in various shapes, round, oval, oval, sausage-shaped range. Multilateral budding. Some species can form pseudohyphae.
 Vegetative cells of the same shape and ascus. Ascospores 1, 4, cap shape, Saturn-shaped, round, semi-circular, smooth surface.
  Hansenula abnormal variant is a common species of the genus. Cells, round, diameter 4 ~ 7μm. There are sausage-shaped, for 2.5 ~ 6 × 4.5 ~ 20μm. Sausage-shaped up to 30μm were also there. Multilateral budding, can direct the formation of ascospores by the cells, each sub-capsule with 1, 4 ascus spores, but most of the two. Ascospores hat-shaped, often after being released by the sub-capsule is not spread. The variation in wort agar slant growth of colonies on flat, milky white, dull, the edge filaments. Cultured in malt juice, white fungus Pu surface wave, medium becomes turbid, the bottom cell deposition. Can not ferment lactose and melibiose. For maltose and galactose or weak or non-fermented sour. Able to assimilate nitrate, the ability of hydrocarbon oxidation is also strong, able to use kerosene as carbon source.
 This is the yeast can produce more ethyl acetate, thereby increasing product flavor, can be used for wine and food industry. However, they can use alcohol as carbon source, but also in the beverage dry wrinkled surface bacteria Pu, it is also harmful bacteria for ethanol production.

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Pancreatin polypeptide ELISA kit

Product name:Pancreatin polypeptide ELISA kit
Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) is a cholecystokinin antagonist. It suppresses the pancreatic secretion and stimulates gastric secretion. Pancreatic polypeptide is a polypeptide secreted by PP cells in the endocrine pancreas predominantly in the head of the pancreas. It consists of 36 amino acids and has molecular weight about 4200 Da.
Its secretion in humans is increased after a protein meal, fasting, exercise, and acute hypoglycemia and is decreased by somatostatin and intravenous glucose. The function of PP is unknown, but effects on hepatic glycogen levels and gastrointestinal secretions have been suggested.
content from:http://www.metallochemistry.com

streptococcus thermophilus benefits

Streptococcus thermophilus is considered to be "generally recognized as safe sex (GRAS)" components, widely used in the production of some important fermented dairy products, including yogurt and cheese (such as Switzerland, Limburg cheese). Streptococcus thermophilus also has some functional activity, such as the production of extracellular polysaccharides, bacterial factors and vitamins. In addition, Streptococcus thermophilus can be used as a potential beneficial bacteria, has proved its health effects, transport activity and a certain adhesion of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, we need to explore different Streptococcus thermophilus ability to produce different metabolites, not just the amount of lactic acid fermentation.
more about:the difference of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus

what is The ELISA Kit?

ELISA stands for Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent, and to this day, the ELISA kit is the safest and quickest way to diagnose various types of infectious diseases in humans. The ELISA kit, in one of its many forms can also be used to diagnose various diseases in plants and animals as well. The ELISA test can similarly be regarded as the pregnancy test, because it pretty much works the same way. The most common use for the ELISA kit is the detection of antibodies and antigens in samples in the field of immunology. Apart from using the ELISA kit for toxicology tests that quickly detect the presence or absence of certain drugs cause.
Another field in which the ELISA kit has become increasingly important in the food industry. Industry experts use the ELISA kit for the search for various items that do not want to appear on certain products. For example, milk, tree nuts, peanuts, eggs and other ingredients to make similar cause allergic reactions, and a product that does not advertise with one or more of these elements test, tests performed using the ELISA kit. Apart from the fact that in the food industry and law enforcement or competitive ELISA, the kit widely known for his famous used to detect HIV and other viruses. One of the biggest advantages of using the ELISA kit, apart from the exact results is the low price of this product. The financial aspect, together with the short test phase, the ELISA kit to run into one of the most commonly used test methods in the world. Regardless of whether used in diagnostics, plant pathology or product quality control, the ELISA kit in the same way works.
When performing an ELISA test kit antigen is distributed on a surface. In the next step, an antibody that is specific to this test, the antigen is presented in a bind between the two compounds. The final steps are left, the antibody with an enzyme and then adding an insightful solution that helps the enzyme to convert a visible signal. This readable signal will reveal the exact amount of antigen in this specific sample. Since the ELISA test kit for the presence of antibodies and antigen shows, and so it can be used to determine the exact concentration of serum antibodies, it has become one of the most important tools in the correct recognition and diagnosis of HIV virus and also other viruses such as West Nile virus. The high sensitivity of the ELISA test kit has been presented many times that, compared with inspections carried out by using the available microscope.
Using ELISA kits both diagnosis and monitoring of infectious diseases like West Nile virus or HIV. The accuracy of the ELISA kits and the short time of reaction are its strongest selling points. ELISA kits are also very sensitive to specific antibodies and analytical systems to detect very small amounts of chemicals. The high sensitivity of the ELISA kits is due to the strong catalytic ability of enzymes. ELISA methods are also very selective because of the exceptional abilities of discriminatory antibodies. Concentration as low as parts per billion (ppb) can be detected. In addition, an ELISA kit very easy to use and the results are easy to understand.
Commercial uses of the ELISA kits are in high demand. Over-the-counter pregnancy tests use this principle by using monoclonal antibodies against the protein in the urine samples. Diabetes to monitor blood sugar levels can with the help of a mediator molecule interface, biological and electronic components of a sensor, the current results in a reading. Antibiotic residues in milk can be made using an ELISA kit, which inhibit the growth of a test organism can be monitored. ELISA kits are used in the field of food safety by the presence of salmonella. This test is used to predict Salmonella carrier status in cattle. ELISA kits have a huge impact on modern medicine.
more about:

Why is the world ELISA kit is the most widely used one of the test tool

Probiotics can help prevent and treat diseases

• diarrhea, body became the probiotic bacteria can in good promote digest ability. Probiotics treatment of rotavirus cause diarrhea is very effective. Probiotic bacteria in the digestive tract to absorb food through a role.
• Yin became a way yeast infections-studies have shown that taking probiotics can effectively improve candida infections disease yingzhen. This kind of good bacteria help reduce body became a pH level of body.
• thorn of hatred of intestinal disease-probiotics change environment, prevent intestinal illness worse. The bacteria to prevent crohn's disease recurrence, and help patients ease ulcerative colitis.
• constipation-probiotics can help the old promote digest, have prevent constipation effect.
• cancer-by promoting the immune system, probiotics can prevent certain cancer disease.
more about: probiotics benefits


Donepezil Suppliers,Donepezil for sale online from medicine-raw-materials.com

Product name:Donepezil
CAS Number:120014-06-4
Formula Weight:379.5g/mol
Description:Donepezil is a reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor that readily crosses the blood-brain barrier to reduce the breakdown of acetylcholine.
As acetylcholine modulates plasticity, excitability, and arousal in the central nervous system, donepezil is commonly used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease to improve cognition, memory, and behavior.
Formulation:A crystalline solid
Stability:2 years
more about:
what is Donepezil hydrochloride?

Sodium Gluconate Suppliers,Sodium Gluconate Manufacturers

Molecular formula:
Molecular weight:
White crystalline granules or powder. Easily soluble in water, slightly soluble sprinkle fine, insoluble in ether

Sodium Gluconate Suppliers,Sodium Gluconate Manufacturers
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sodium gluconate application

Hansenula for sale online from food-bacteria.net

Product name:Hansenula
Product description:Hansenula polymorpha (Pichia angusta) belongs to a limited number of methylotrophic yeast species (yeasts that can grow on methanol). The range of methylotrophic yeasts includes Candida boidinii, Pichia methanolica, Pichia pastoris and Hansenula polymorpha. H. polymorpha is taxonomically a species of the Saccharomycetaceae family. The leading taxonomy monographs follow a recent proposal to merge the genera Pichia and Hansenula and to re-name H. polymorpha as Pichia angusta. However, many scientists desire to maintain the popular name H. polymorpha.
more about:
what is Hansenula features?
content from:http://www.food-bacteria.net

the use of Bifidobacterium longum

One of the most important residents in the human gastrointestinal tract, B. longum keeps the digestive system running smoothly, blocks the growth of harmful bacteria, and boosts the immune system. The organism ferments sugars into lactic acid and has many health benefits for humans and is often the dominant bacterium found in humans. It is a Gram-positive, anaerobic, branched rod-shaped bacterium.
Bifidobacterium longum is among the first to colonise the sterile digestive tract of newborns and predominates in breast-fed infants. Formula-fed infants have a different microflora, and this may be related to the higher risk of diarrhea and allergies in these babies.
The principle and effect are as follows;
1) absolute anaerobic lactic acid bacteria. Use carbohydrates ferments glucose produced and acetic acid lactic acid (2), do not produce gas (co2) propionic acid and butyric acid. Can be decomposed body bowel indigestible chitosan fibers or more, to prevent against bacteria lactic acid.
Daily intake of certai.
2) It can improve the intestinal bacteria, and can adjust intestines environment, inhibit the activity called helicobacter pylori.
more about:
Bifidobacterium longum

content from:http://www.lactic-acid-bacteria.net


what is Building Integrated Photovoltaics(BIPV)?

Solar panels are an increasingly familiar sight up and down the country, and now most people would be able to recognize if they saw her. But a new market segment within the solar industry, emerging markets, and this is Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV). But what is BIPV you might ask, and how it works, compare the more common non-integrated solar cells?
BIPV refers to when photovoltaic materials are integrated into the construction of the building itself in the place of conventional building materials. For example, this may be in the roofing, facades, shading, or skylights. BIPV is able to be a source of strength for the building, as well as offering part of its construction.
Its most common use is in the construction of new buildings. The materials are generally more expensive than non-integrated solar panels, but these costs for new buildings compared to those of building materials that can replace them will be charged. BIPV can be retrofitted to existing buildings, but this is often more expensive than one built solar panels on an existing roof, as the original building materials have already been installed and paid for.
BIPV is an interesting perspective for architects, since it is a new element to the design and structure of the building. The photovoltaic cells in a wide range of colors that can come to the aesthetics of the building added. There are several known projects that have used BIPV technology. An example is the Zero Energy Media Wall in Beijing, the largest LED display in the world has. Here is the photovoltaic materials have been incorporated into the glass facade of the building, where they harvest solar energy during the day, and use it to the screen after dark, lights, mirror one day climatic cycle.
It is clear that BIPV can be a great source of innovation in the design of new buildings and can produce some impressive results from an architectural point of view. But it is for every day at home? If you are building a new house, or are interested in could build a awning for a patio, then you are for BIPV. Solar tiles can be factored into the planning phase, so instead of conventional building materials and provides your home with a source of renewable energy. But for the majority of people considering solar energy for homes, solar panels will still be the more likely option. That's because most people will upgrade to the increased costs of BIPV are not offset against building materials. It also includes retrofitting BIPV more work than installing solar panels, as the original roofing materials would have before the installation of solar tiles are removed in their place.
more about:Waht BIPV Components
content from: what is Building Integrated Photovoltaics(BIPV)?


applications of magnetic materials

Magnetic materials, is old and use a wide range of functional materials, and the magnetic material as early as 3000 years ago by people know and use, such as Chinese ancient use natural magnet as a compass. Modern magnetic material has been used widely in our life, for example, the permanent magnetic material used as a motor, used in the transformer core materials, as the magnetic memory USES compact disc, the computer by magnetic record floppy disk, etc. Can say, magnetic materials and information, automation, electromechanical integration, national defense, and all aspects of the national economy closely related. And usually think, magnetic materials is to point to by excessive element iron, cobalt, nickel and its alloys can directly or indirectly from magnetic material.

The application of magnetic material is very extensive, can be used in acoustic, telecommunications, electric meter, motor, also for memory components, microwave components, etc. Can be used to record language, music and image information of the magnetic tape, computer storage equipment, passenger transportation vouchers and ticket prices and settlement of magnetic card, etc.

more about:magnetic materials list


what is organic photovoltaic materials?

organic photovoltaic materials is a specialized semiconductor diode that converts visible light into direct current (DC) electricity. Some photovoltaic cells can convert the infrared (IR) or ultraviolet (UV) radiation in DC.Zajedničko feature of both small molecules and polymers (Figure 1) is used in photovoltaic systems is that they all have great sustav.Konjugirani conjugated system is formed in which carbon atoms covalently links with alternating single and double bonds, in other words to the chemical reactions of hydrocarbons. These electrons hydrocarbons PZ orbitals delocalize and form delocalized π orbital relationship with the π * antibonding π orbitals orbitalne.Delokalizirana the highest occupied molecular orbital (homo), and π * orbital of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). Separation between Homo and the LUMO band is considered organic electronic materijala.Pojas is usually in the range of 1-4 eV.

  When these materials absorb a photon, an excited state is created and limited to molecules or polymers lanca.Pobuđeno state area can be considered as an electron hole pair is connected by electrostatic interactions, ie excitons. In photovoltaic cells, excitons are broken up into free electrons hole pairs polja.Na effective force fields are set by creating a heterojunction between two different materials. Effective field excitons that break down causing an electron falls from conducting band absorber band for the implementation of the acceptor molecule. It is essential that the acceptor material conduction band edge, which is lower than the absorber material
content from:http://www.organic-chemicals.net/News/organic-photovoltaic-materials.html