
Nano silver powder has bactericidal action

Nano silver anti-bacterial mechanism, nano silver powder to the existence of molecular states, the quantum effect of nano silver, nano silver surface area is much greater effect than conventional materials, nano-silver surface in the larger adsorption effects, defects , self-repair defect, resulting in the following two antibacterial mechanisms: First, contact reaction: our study suggests that more than 99% of harmful bacteria are single cell body; and must rely on single-cell bacteria, the oxidation of oxygen-metabolizing enzymes to to breathe; oxygen metabolism enzyme oxidation is of particles captured from an electronic process. When nano-silver particles close to the bacteria, due to Coulomb attraction, nano-silver particles adsorbed on the bacterial surface and into the bacterial body; bacterial oxygen-metabolizing enzymes will win the nano-silver particles
more about:buy Nano silver
content from:http://zhengpingping73.blog.com/2011/08/30/nano-silver-powder-has-bactericidal-action/

