
Cytochrome b5 (human) Suppliers,Cytochrome b5 (human) for sale online from medicine-raw-materials.com

Product name:Cytochrome b5 (human)

Stability:2 years


Description:Cytochrome b5 of human erythrocytes showed a midpoint redox potential of - 2 mV, an isoelectric point of 4.3, and a Michaelis constant of 7μ for erythrocyte cytochrome b5 reductase These values are close to those of rabbit liver cytochrome b5, though cytochrome b5 of erythrocytes is in the soluble fraction and its relative molecular mass is smaller than that of liver cytochrome b5 The concentration of cytochrome b5 in normal human erythrocytes was determined by an improved method and a value of 0.22 ± 0.02 μM was obtained.

