
applications of magnetic materials

Magnetic materials, is old and use a wide range of functional materials, and the magnetic material as early as 3000 years ago by people know and use, such as Chinese ancient use natural magnet as a compass. Modern magnetic material has been used widely in our life, for example, the permanent magnetic material used as a motor, used in the transformer core materials, as the magnetic memory USES compact disc, the computer by magnetic record floppy disk, etc. Can say, magnetic materials and information, automation, electromechanical integration, national defense, and all aspects of the national economy closely related. And usually think, magnetic materials is to point to by excessive element iron, cobalt, nickel and its alloys can directly or indirectly from magnetic material.

The application of magnetic material is very extensive, can be used in acoustic, telecommunications, electric meter, motor, also for memory components, microwave components, etc. Can be used to record language, music and image information of the magnetic tape, computer storage equipment, passenger transportation vouchers and ticket prices and settlement of magnetic card, etc.

more about:magnetic materials list

