
what is Building Integrated Photovoltaics(BIPV)?

Solar panels are an increasingly familiar sight up and down the country, and now most people would be able to recognize if they saw her. But a new market segment within the solar industry, emerging markets, and this is Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV). But what is BIPV you might ask, and how it works, compare the more common non-integrated solar cells?
BIPV refers to when photovoltaic materials are integrated into the construction of the building itself in the place of conventional building materials. For example, this may be in the roofing, facades, shading, or skylights. BIPV is able to be a source of strength for the building, as well as offering part of its construction.
Its most common use is in the construction of new buildings. The materials are generally more expensive than non-integrated solar panels, but these costs for new buildings compared to those of building materials that can replace them will be charged. BIPV can be retrofitted to existing buildings, but this is often more expensive than one built solar panels on an existing roof, as the original building materials have already been installed and paid for.
BIPV is an interesting perspective for architects, since it is a new element to the design and structure of the building. The photovoltaic cells in a wide range of colors that can come to the aesthetics of the building added. There are several known projects that have used BIPV technology. An example is the Zero Energy Media Wall in Beijing, the largest LED display in the world has. Here is the photovoltaic materials have been incorporated into the glass facade of the building, where they harvest solar energy during the day, and use it to the screen after dark, lights, mirror one day climatic cycle.
It is clear that BIPV can be a great source of innovation in the design of new buildings and can produce some impressive results from an architectural point of view. But it is for every day at home? If you are building a new house, or are interested in could build a awning for a patio, then you are for BIPV. Solar tiles can be factored into the planning phase, so instead of conventional building materials and provides your home with a source of renewable energy. But for the majority of people considering solar energy for homes, solar panels will still be the more likely option. That's because most people will upgrade to the increased costs of BIPV are not offset against building materials. It also includes retrofitting BIPV more work than installing solar panels, as the original roofing materials would have before the installation of solar tiles are removed in their place.
more about:Waht BIPV Components
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