
what Hansenula features?

This is the nutritional yeast cells in various shapes, round, oval, oval, sausage-shaped range. Multilateral budding. Some species can form pseudohyphae.
 Vegetative cells of the same shape and ascus. Ascospores 1, 4, cap shape, Saturn-shaped, round, semi-circular, smooth surface.
  Hansenula abnormal variant is a common species of the genus. Cells, round, diameter 4 ~ 7μm. There are sausage-shaped, for 2.5 ~ 6 × 4.5 ~ 20μm. Sausage-shaped up to 30μm were also there. Multilateral budding, can direct the formation of ascospores by the cells, each sub-capsule with 1, 4 ascus spores, but most of the two. Ascospores hat-shaped, often after being released by the sub-capsule is not spread. The variation in wort agar slant growth of colonies on flat, milky white, dull, the edge filaments. Cultured in malt juice, white fungus Pu surface wave, medium becomes turbid, the bottom cell deposition. Can not ferment lactose and melibiose. For maltose and galactose or weak or non-fermented sour. Able to assimilate nitrate, the ability of hydrocarbon oxidation is also strong, able to use kerosene as carbon source.
 This is the yeast can produce more ethyl acetate, thereby increasing product flavor, can be used for wine and food industry. However, they can use alcohol as carbon source, but also in the beverage dry wrinkled surface bacteria Pu, it is also harmful bacteria for ethanol production.

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